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What Happens If There Is No Partnership Agreement?

 Posted on October 21, 2024 in Uncategorized

They say that teamwork makes the dream work. In fact, many of America’s most successful small businesses were founded by teams of two, many with no partnership agreement in place when they were first formed. Some of these dynamic duos went on to lead the world’s most lucrative companies

However, not every casual business partnership will end with its members becoming billionaires. That’s why it does not make sense for most businesses to start with no business partnership agreement ironed out

A partnership agreement lays out the responsibilities of each partner in the business. It will also detail how much of the business each partner owns and how much profit and loss each partner is responsible for. A well-crafted partnership agreement also includes rules about how you will manage the business and addresses succession planning issues, such as the death or departure of a partner.

An experienced Milwaukee business lawyer can help you work out the details of your Wisconsin partnership agreement. The Mallery s.c. team handles all manner of partnership formation and helps partners put partnership agreements in place.

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What is Liability Insurance?

 Posted on September 18, 2024 in Uncategorized

Blog ImageBy Attorney Samantha S. Bailey


Phone: 414-727-6294

Liability Insurance is your protection against monetary amounts you could owe as a result of a judgment against you in civil litigation. Another word for this is "indemnity." Indemnity in insurance law represents a contractual requirement for your insurance company to financially compensate the losses incurred by you for claims covered in your policy. Liability insurance may be Commercial General Liability insurance which provides general liability coverage to businesses for incidents such as slip and falls, property damage, etc. in the commercial setting. Liability insurance may also be found in professional, home, and automobile liability insurance policies for claims such as car accidents, dog bites, malpractice claims, or other injuries that occur on your property. In whatever form you may have your liability insurance, it is important to understand your policy and the restrictions on your potential coverage to ensure your insurance company covers your loss and defends you against damages sought against you. The Wisconsin litigation attorneys here in Milwaukee at Mallery s.c. handle all types of liability insurance coverage questions and disputes.

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How Does Wisconsin Handle The Partition Of Real Estate?

 Posted on April 17, 2024 in Uncategorized

Stephen L. Lovell

By  Stephen L. Lovell


Phone:   414-727-6297

There are often occasions when one may share ownership of real estate with another person.   Many times, that business or personal relationship will run its course.   However, that does not solve the problem of what to do with the real estate.   When at least two co-owners of real property cannot agree on how best to use or dispose of a piece of real estate, either of them can seek partition.

What is Partition?

In Wisconsin, every co-owner who no longer wishes to own their interest in the real estate has a right to partition their interest in the property, no matter what ownership percentage of the property they own. Chapter 842 of the Wisconsin Statutes governs the partition of real estate in Wisconsin.

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The Corporate Transparency Act

 Posted on January 17, 2024 in Uncategorized

The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), enacted in 2021, goes into effect on January 1, 2024. The CTA was enacted to combat illicit activity, such as tax fraud, money laundering and financing of terrorist activities.  Most entities and closely held businesses organized or operating in the United States will be required to file information about the entity and the individuals who own or control these entities with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).  Each Reporting Company must file a Beneficial Ownership Information report (“BOI report”) with FinCEN detailing the Beneficial Ownership of the Reporting Company and its Company Applicants.

What entities are required to report?

All Reporting Companies must comply with the CTA.  Subject to limited exemptions, “Reporting Companies” include all legal entities registered to do business in the United States, including corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, certain types of trusts, and any other type of entity that is registered or formed by a filing with a secretary of state’s office or similar state agency.

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Recent Wisconsin Property Tax Assessment Decision Adds Hurdles For Appeals

 Posted on November 21, 2023 in Uncategorized

Christopher L. Strohbehn

By Christopher L. Strohbehn


Phone:  414-727-6291

As the end of the year quickly approaches, for those challenging their property taxes in Wisconsin, it brings about a bevy of deadlines and procedural entanglements.   A recent decision issued by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Saint John’s Cmtys. v. City of Milwaukee, 2022 WI 69 (Wis. 2022), has done nothing to make that easier for taxpayers or their Wisconsin property tax lawyers.

In the Saint John’s case, the Wisconsin Supreme Court determined that Saint John’s claim for recovery of unlawful taxes pursuant to section 74.35, Stats., was procedurally deficient.   In so doing, it held that the "plain language of this statute requires Saint John’s to first pay the challenged tax or any authorized installment payment prior to filing a claim."   Id. at ¶ 3.

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Dealing With Your Examination Under Oath

 Posted on October 16, 2023 in Insurance Coverage Disputes

Blog Image

By Attorney Christopher L. Strohbehn


Phone: 414-727-6291


One of the last things you want to deal with when your family home or your business has been damaged is jumping through all the hoops and paperwork that your insurance company requires. One of those hoops that is commonly seen after a sworn proof of loss is filed is an insurance company’s request for an Examination Under Oath (EUO).

Receiving a letter for an Examination Under Oath (EUO) can be a triggering experience, especially when dealing with a property damage claim in Wisconsin. Usually by that time you or your business has paid significant amounts of money for insurance premiums and the response in your time of loss is to put every aspect of the claim under a microscope. Rest assured, when you receive this request for an Examination Under Oath (EUO), the correct move is to be on high alert and contact a lawyer.

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What to Do When Your Business Has Been Served With a Lawsuit?

 Posted on September 05, 2023 in Uncategorized

Christopher L. Strohbehn

By Christopher L. Strohbehn


Phone:   414-727-6291

When another party serves your business with a lawsuit, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. However, it is essential to remain calm and take immediate action to protect your business’s financial interests. Here are the key steps your business should consider taking if you find yourself in this situation in Wisconsin:

Contact an Experienced Milwaukee Business or Civil Litigation Attorney:

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How Do You Respond to a Reservation Of Rights Letter?

 Posted on August 28, 2023 in Uncategorized

Christopher L. Strohbehn

By Christopher L. Strohbehn


Phone:   414-727-6291

Many businesses and individual insurance policyholders are targets of civil claims each year for a variety of reasons.  Policyholders are often faced with allegations of negligence or intentional acts, mistakes made by employees, defective work products or other sorts of property damage.   In those cases, if that business or individual has insurance coverage, then they can tender that claim to its insurance company to provide a defense and indemnification

However, insurance companies will often agree to defend claims only temporarily pending an investigation.   In those cases, the insurance companies will send their insureds letters indicating that while they are providing a defense, they are doing so subject to a "Reservation of Rights.’

What is a Reservation of Rights Letter?

In the event you receive a Reservation of Rights letter, one thing is certain, there is a risk you may not be covered for something that could be significant financially to you or your business.  Therefore, you should reach out to a lawyer experienced in insurance coverage disputes to discuss your potential risks and options.

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How To Claim Abandoned Real Estate In Milwaukee

 Posted on February 03, 2023 in Uncategorized

We have all heard the stories. A long-lost aunt or uncle dies with no heirs, and their mansion and riches sit abandoned, waiting only for some distant relative to claim them. Unfortunately, fantastical claims like this have little connection to reality.

While the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) holds over $600 million in unclaimed property, real estate is not among its unclaimed holdings. Claiming abandoned real estate in Milwaukee is much more complicated than finding out about a long-lost relative. Usually, the Wisconsin School Fund gets the property of an intestate estate with no known heirs. Sometimes banks must foreclose upon abandoned properties and sell them at a sheriff’s sale at a depressed value.

There are also ways to claim property that was not previously yours through adverse possession. Adverse possession laws are complicated and have strict guidelines in Wisconsin.

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Wisconsin Enacts New Limited Liability Company Laws

 Posted on December 16, 2022 in Uncategorized

Wisconsin recently enacted new laws for LLCs, which will take effect January 1, 2023. The updated laws are intended to modernize Wisconsin’s business entity laws, harmonizing them with each other and making Wisconsin a more attractive place to do business. Businesses and holding companies operating as Wisconsin LLCs should pay very close attention to these changes, a few of which we highlight below.

Category Prior Law New Law
Articles of Organization Must contain a fixed set of information, no more, no less. Information may contain is broadened.
Additional information may be included.
Notably, an LLC is no longer required to list its management type (member-managed or manager managed); however, they may still include management if you choose.
Operating Agreement Operating agreements are not required, but if they exist, they must be in writing. An operating agreement is required but it may be written or oral and express or implied.

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Jacqueline Hrovat Interviewed By The State Bar Of Wisconsin For Inside Track


What is Liability Insurance?

Posted Sep 18, 2024

By Attorney Samantha S. Bailey Email: Phone: 414-727-6294 Liability Insurance is your protection against monetary amounts you could owe as a result of a judgment against you in civil litigation. Another word......Read More

How Does Wisconsin Handle The Partition Of Real Estate?

Posted Jul 08, 2024

By  Stephen L. Lovell Email: Phone:   414-727-6297 There are often occasions when one may share ownership of real estate with another person.   Many times, that business or personal relationship will run its......Read More

The Corporate Transparency Act

Posted Jul 08, 2024

The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), enacted in 2021, goes into effect on January 1, 2024. The CTA was enacted to combat illicit activity, such as tax fraud, money laundering and......Read More

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